Dr. Singh' Teaching Evaluations, CSIT 205, JTerm & Spring 2012
Survey conducted during Final Week of Course Work
Q #  SA A N DA SDA Score
Q1 6 6 0 0 0 4.50
Q2 11 1 0 0 0 4.92
Q3 11 1 0 0 0 4.92
Q4 11 1 0 0 0 4.92
Q5 11 1 0 0 0 4.92
Q6 11 1 0 0 0 4.92
Q7 8 3 1 0 0 4.58
Q8 10 2 0 0 0 4.83
Q9 11 1 0 0 0 4.92
Q10 11 1 0 0 0 4.92
Q11 11 1 0 0 0 4.92
Student Participation: 67%   Overall Avearge 4.84
SA: Strongly Agree
A: Agree  
N: Neutral  
DA: Disagree  
SDA: Strongly Disagree
Student Comments in ANGEL and Final Course Survey
Student 1: Very timely and great modules that are helpful with the current assignments and exams.
Student 2: Dr. Singh is a great teacher. Makes the information easy to understand and learn.
Student 3: The extra amount of time on exams was greatly appreciated!
Student4: The course was very challenging. I have technology and computer science experience, but limited programming experience. I found the material to be over my head the majority of the time, but I am not a CST major, nor will I be doing much with programming in my future. I assume if this is your field, the course would be just fine. Although the course was very challenging I felt as though I learned quite a bit. The instructor is absolutely amazing. He is prompt, friendly, well organized, and just an overall great person. I would take another one of Professor Singh's courses in a heartbeat. Excellent!
Student 5: Make the tests a little longer but besides that an excellent course that I would recommend to other students.
Student 6: Thank you for a wonderful semester and a half. I learned quite a bit from this course. I will be teaching basic programming to my middleschool and highschool students but only scratching the surface (maybe the first chapter, haha!) of what was covered in your Visual Basic courses. You are a wonderful professor, and it is very evident that you care greatly for your students. The world needs more teachers like yourself!
Student 7: Thank you so much for a wonderful semester of class. I learned a lot and can't wait to apply it to real life situations. Graduation here I come :)
Student 8: I think this course is taught in an extremely efficient way. Deadlines for assignments are such that they urge students onward in their learning, although not a rate that I would at all consider unreasonable. Assigning a couple of the challenge problems at the end of each chapter is a great war to both evaluate and summarize learned knowledge, and the textbook is accessible to the students while doing these assignments for them to look back in case they missed something. I had enough time to complete every exam. Instructor messages and ANGEL calendar were helpful for being reminded of deadlines. One thing I am very impressed with is the speed to which any of my questions were responded. I appreciated this and found the feedback helpful. One thing I would change about this course, if any, is that there could be a little more encouragement for students to use ANGEL discussion forums as part of this course. I remember people posting in the beginning of the course to introduce themselves, and once more as an assignment to discuss the importance of the GUI in an application, and that was all. Overall, I'd say this was an excellent online course with an excellent instructor.
Student 9: Thank you very much for your quick and helpful reply. My application now correctly calculate and presents the output asked for in the assignment. I did not understand that the period of interest involved in the calculation was to be one month; in my original program, the calculations were based on a period of one year passing. The only modification necessary was to add "/12" at the end of the interest calculation in the Bank class I created. Thank you for helping me better understand this assignment. I now submit the revised version of my project.
Student 10: I realize that my form is different from your GUIs, but it still meets all of the criteria. Please don't judge me too harshly for doing it my way! I enjoyed your 151 class this year, and hope to have you for future classes (preferably more in person). Very respectfully.
Student 11*: I liked this course a lot. the one thing that really bothered me is that for at least a few of my assignments, I would upload them and submit them to angel and they would somehow not get uploaded properly. I wish that you would send out an email like 2 or 3 days after if there missing, so I could still turn them in and get some points. I have done every assignment and lost a lot of points because angel did not upload it correctly. I spent a long time working on assignment six and it didnt upload correctly.
*Student 11 was not following the instructions correctly to upload assignment files on ANGEL, which is mentioned two times in Course Syllabus. Once this student was helped by me for uploading the assignment work properly, he/she was pretty satisfied. I allowed him/her to resubmit his/her assgnment work and due credit was given to assignment 6.